6 Times Cecily Strong Shut It Down at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

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SNL cast member Cecily Strong hosted Saturday night's White House Correspondents' Dinner, and she didn't hold back one bit. No issues were off topic for Cecily, who cracked jokes about recent issues with race, the continued fight for gender equality, and, of course, Hillary Clinton. Considering that she came after Barack Obama and his "anger translator," Luther, she had a tough act to follow. We have to say, though, she really held her own. Keep reading for our favorite zingers from the speech, and watch it in full above.

  • "Feels right to have a woman follow President Obama, doesn't it?"
  • "Let's give it up for the Secret Service. I don't want to be too hard on those guys. You know, because they're the only law enforcement agency that will get in trouble if a black man gets shot."
  • "It feels so weird to be up here. And, OK, I promise, since I'm only a comedian, I'm not going to try and tell you politicians how to do politics or whatever. That's not my job. That would be like you guys telling me what to do with my body. I mean, can you even imagine? Crazy."
  • "I'm excited about Hillary running, though I'm not sure she's excited about having to run. I imagine she feels the same way Meryl Streep feels when she's asked to audition for something."
  • "[President Obama], after six years in office, your approval rating is at 48 percent. Not only that, your gray hair is at 85 percent. Your hair is so white now, it can talk back to the police."
  • "[Fox News] is all hot blond ladies and old dudes. Every show on Fox News looks like a party scene from Weekend at Bernie's."