How's Daniel Radcliffe Spending Isolation? With a 3,000-Piece Jurassic Park Lego Set, of Course

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Daniel Radcliffe (virtually) sat down with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night, and after a long battle with technology, Daniel and Stephen were finally able to get into the interview. Of course, the conversation moved to the coronavirus first. Daniel quickly put to bed the rumors that he has the coronavirus (he says the news that was swirling a few weeks ago was completely made up), before revealing how he's been spending his time self-isolating since returning to the US from London: with a 3,000-piece Jurassic Park Lego set.

Daniel showed off the model, which was actually very impressive and is complete with a dinosaur and a fully functioning gate. He did admit, though, that he isn't actually a Lego genius like he originally led us to believe. Daniel said he is actually just in charge of sorting the Lego pieces into like colors and pieces, then passes the hard work off to his girlfriend, Erin Darke. Ah, celebrities. They really are just like us (kind of).