Jennifer Lopez on Dating Younger Guys: "It's No Big Deal"

Jennifer Lopez covers the January issue of Self Magazine, showing off her sexy curves in body-hugging activewear. In the interview, the 45-year-old star opens up about love, life, and why it's "no big deal" for women to date younger men, as she's one of several famous women who have hit it off with younger guys. Meanwhile, the sexy photo shoot marks yet another hot moment in Jennifer's superhot year. Last month, she stunned at the AMAs, and between her hot street style moments and her sexy red carpet appearances, Jennifer may have had the year's best body. Take a look at some of the star's best quotes from her recent interview, then read more in Jennifer's Self Magazine feature.

  • On taking time for herself: "I want to prove to everyone that I can do everything and be a superwoman. But I have to take time for myself."
  • On dating younger men: "Enough with the clichés about women. We can date younger guys . . . it's no big deal."
  • On her upcoming character, who dates a younger guy: "I can relate. I've been through divorce. I've been cheated on, just like every other girl in the world. So you sympathize, you understand the emotions. And I've dated a younger guy once in my life, so I could definitely understand that part, too — the attraction. All the old clichés about women need to be undone. Enough already. We're in the other position now. We are desirable older, we can date younger guys, and it's not this big taboo. Men have been doing this for years, and it's no big deal."
  • On her high-profile relationships: "When you have that much pain, you have to anesthetize yourself in some ways. People do different things. Some go out and party and sleep around, but that's just not my way. I found the comfort in someone else. That's called being a love addict. When I face myself, I go, You have a fear of really being on your own. So you know what? That's what we're gonna do right now. But it took me years to get there. So first it was learning to love myself. And then it was about facing my fears."
  • On the changing landscape of film: "People would have been like, 'Oh, a female-driven movie. I don't know if we want to do that.' But now we can just go do it ourselves. All I have to do is bank on myself, which I'm in the business of doing."