Lana Condor and Her Boyfriend Keep FaceTime on While Sleeping, and I Suddenly Feel Very Single

Lana Condor

In our Q&A series Last Call, we get down to the bottom of every last thing with some of our favorite celebs — from the last thing they texted to the last thing they binge-watched. This week, actress and (new!) singer Lana Condor takes our call.

The world fell in love with Lana Condor after starring as everyone's favorite, Lara Jean Covey, in To All The Boys I've Loved Before. And while we already know she's an amazing actress, it turns out she also has the voice of an angel — what can't this girl do?!

After spending quarantine covering songs with her musician boyfriend Anthony De La Torre, she ended up recording her very first original single, "For Real," which Lana and her producer Andrew Tufano said was inspired by a recent journal entry about her relationship. "Almost immediately we turned it into this song about how maybe that feeling of independence isn't bad, it just means your love isn't codependent and that you're choosing again and again to come back to love someone because [you] love them for real," Andrew shared about the track in an Instagram post. Ahead of her single release, we chatted with Lana all about the track, the last thing she took home from a set, the last time she was starstruck, and more!

PS: What was the last day recording your new single "For Real" like?

I was just so excited to get my vocals down and see where my producer would take it. It's my first time singing alone, and so it was really scary for me. I've always loved music, and more often than not, I am lost in my earbuds, but I've also always had fear when it comes to singing out loud because it's just such an intimate experience. You have to really be vulnerable and put yourself out there. So I was flooded with relief when I finally got the vocals down and was really proud of myself.

PS: Last thing you watched on Netflix?

Oh wow, that is a great question. The very last thing in my queue is New Girl. I've watched all of the seasons, like, 10 times over . . . but it's so comforting, and I always catch myself going back to it. I'm currently in Canada and have been doing a mandatory quarantine for 14 days. I am up here for work, but I've been stuck in the same room for 12 days now. It can get a little lonely, so I watch New Girl to feel a little bit of home and familiarity.

PS: Last photo on your camera roll?

A picture of my sushi lunch.

PS: Last thing you do before going to bed?

I need to work on a consistent "nighttime" routine, but recently it's been calling Anthony to say goodnight.

PS: Last gift you received?

My dear friend Madeleine Arthur, who also plays my best friend in To All The Boys I've Loved Before, delivered my favorite Vietnamese food for dinner to my door since I am stuck in quarantine! That was an amazing gift.

PS: Last thing you took home from a set?

I did a Neutrogena shoot recently for my new partnership and I took a ton of skin care — granted they also let me, haha

PS: Last song you listened to?

I am currently listening to Folklore: the Sleepless Nights Chapter EP by Taylor Swift. I've always loved her and her lyrics. This EP, especially, feels very intimate. I am listening to "Mad Woman." And I do agree — there's nothing like a mad woman!

PS: Last song you sang in the shower?

The last song I sang in the shower was my song "For Real"! Making the song was such a quarantine passion project with myself and songwriter/producer Andrew Tufano. I am an unsigned artist, so I've really been leaning on [my boyfriend] Anthony's experience in music and my own creative ideas to promote the song on my own. So I've listened to it so many times creating content. It's just kind of stuck in my head at this point!

Lana Condor

PS: Last piece of advice you received that changed your life?

I actually just read a post my costar posted earlier this morning that really stuck with me: "If you don't make time for your wellness. You will be forced to make time with your illness. Read that again."

PS: Last book you read?

I actually just finished The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian. I travel so much for work and have always been superfascinated with the life of flight attendants. It's a great thriller!

PS: Last thing you texted?

"It comes out Friday." I sent that to my friend because we are talking about "For Real."

PS: Last workout?

A 30-minute yoga workout with Anthony via FaceTime. I really value stretching, especially during quarantine. Your body gets so stiff being at home all day, so a morning yoga really helps me feel energized.

PS: Last time you were starstruck?

The Rock sent me a surprise video when I was doing A Little Late with Lilly Singh, and I have never been more starstruck in my life. I love him and am such a fan, so needless to say, I truly lost my cool. I don't think I'll ever not be starstruck by him.

PS: Last thing you did for love?

Since I am doing quarantine alone, here in Canada, Anthony and I have been apart for two weeks. We typically spend every single day together, so it's really hard being apart. I've noticed I've been having a hard time sleeping, and so has he, so we've been leaving our FaceTime on while we sleep, to be together. In the middle of the night if I wake up, I'll whisper his name, and he'll answer. It makes us feel connected.

Listen to Lana's debut single "For Real," streaming now on Spotify!