Sandra Bullock Reveals the Important Piece of Ocean's 8 Advice George Clooney Gave Her

George Clooney and Sandra Bullock have been friends for as long as we can remember. They have walked red carpets together, costarred in 2014's Gravity, coproduced 2015's Our Brand Is Crisis, and always look like they're having the best time. In fact, George and Sandra's first meeting was actually before they even worked in Hollywood. "George and I have known each other since long before we actually had jobs in this business, literally out of college," Sandra told Canada's etalk back in 2015. "We've seen each other through many facets and stages of life, and this is just another one of those facets and stages. And the nice thing is we still like each other at the end of it, we still admire each other."

As if their friendship wasn't already sweet enough, Sandra recently revealed George's advice to her before she took on the Ocean's 8 reboot, given that George starred in the original films. "We were at a Christmas party and he said, 'Are you doing it?' And I was like, 'I think we are,'" Sandra explained. "He just wanted us to have as good a time as they had. I said, 'Well, that's not happening. We're not all single. There's not gonna be a bar in the room and we're not in Vegas.'" In honor of George and Sandra's friendship, take a look at some of their sweetest moments together.