Florence Pugh Is the Best at Instagram; Our Sincerest Apologies to Every Other Celebrity

When she isn't busy completely capturing our hearts as Amy in Little Women or absolutely wrecking us emotionally as Dani in Midsommar, Florence Pugh runs a pretty successful Instagram account. With 1.2 million followers under her belt, she's reaching a pretty huge audience — and doing it oh so well. Her posts range from quirky to glamorous, and each photo is coupled with a caption that proves just how real the 24-year-old actress is. If you aren't following Florence on Instagram yet, scroll through the gallery below and let these Instagram posts convince you to hit that follow button.


She's Unapologetically Herself, With or Without Filters

If there's one thing Florence Pugh is passionate about, it's being transparent in presenting herself. She isn't afraid to post a funny, makeup-less selfie because she knows that it's impossible to rock a full-glam look 24/7. She even called out the use of filters in an interview with Vogue: "Be aware that this is only adding to this circle of insecurity and I hope that talking about it helps," she said.


Her Love For Her Family Is Evident

Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to display them all over your social media page, but when it comes to Florence's Instagram, her feed is littered with family photos. It's clear that her family keeps her grounded, and her public display of love for them leaves me with a case of the warm and fuzzies every single time.


She's Not Afraid Her Face Will Get Stuck This Way

"Amy and Fred before Laurie turned up drunk," she captioned.


Acting Isn't Her Only Talent

Did you know that Florence is also a singer/songwriter? She doesn't always flaunt her musical talent, but when she does, our Instagram feed is blessed.


She Keeps It Real With Her Followers and Is Humble in Her Achievements

Nominated for an Oscar? To some Hollywood stars, this would be normal news. For Florence, it's groundbreaking. This reaction is an example of how Pugh stays humble in her work and displays how grateful she is to have the career that she does.


She Posts Killer Behind-the-Scenes Shots

The woman knows how to keep it entertaining. Knowing what went into creating a scene in a movie is fascinating, and Florence does her best to keep her followers informed.


She's a Major Advocate for Neck Pillows

If you haven't thought of purchasing a travel pillow before, maybe this post will change your mind.


Pugh Cooking on her Instagram Story? Absolutely Priceless

When Florence Pugh puts up an Instagram Story, I immediately watch it. My favorite Story posts include scenes of Pugh cooking in her kitchen at home. Whether she's whipping up some homemade ice cream or making marmalade, I love seeing her culinary creations being made from beginning to end.


She Eats Ice Cream Right From the Container

Florence's ice cream obsession doesn't stop here; she can often be spotted making homemade ice cream on her Instagram stories.


Her Personality Shines Through Her Captions

It's easy to post a photo, but the real work is coming up with a caption for it. Florence's captions are so reflective of her own self. She isn't afraid to type something long or pour her thoughts out.

"What a year," she captioned this photo. "What a birthday. The day has certainly been adventurous and I've been treated and spoilt in every way possible. I even sprinted through Mexico City airport in the hope to catch a flight wearing what can only reaaally be described as beach attire and gave the onlookers the perfect 'glad it weren't me' moment. My 24th lap round the sun and I'm figuring it out a little bit more everyday. For example, mosquitos will eat you whether you're wearing repellent or not. Three times on one elbow. One. Elbow. I want to send my kisses and love to all who wrote to me today, all who posted about me today and to all those who wished me an immense day. I have! and I can't thank you enough for celebrating national Florence Pugh day haha. Go and enjoy your 3rd of Jan and drink some bubbles."


She Can Shake a Cocktail Like a Boss

If you need your cocktail shaken, not stirred, Florence is your go-to girl.


She's Effortlessly Stunning

Even off the red carpet, Florence is a ray of sunshine.