That Time a Woman in a Wheelchair Won a Treadmill on Price Is Right

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In one pretty unfortunate moment, a woman in a wheelchair won a treadmill while competing on The Price Is Right. To her credit, Danielle Perez smiled and celebrated her big win, which also included a sauna. The clip of her win quickly went viral, and soon after, she took to Twitter to joke about the ordeal. She posted a picture of her reaction, writing, "When you win a treadmill on national TV, but you have no feet." Throughout the day, she retweeted several stories about the moment, too, dropping more than a few one-liners herself.

when you win a treadmill on national TV, but you have no feet @DrewFromTV @PriceIsRight

— Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 5, 2015

But where's the fun in that? This is literally the best day of my life. I've been popping wheelies all day

— Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 6, 2015

Love you RT @DivaDelux: @buzzerblog I won the treadmill and have been straight popping wheelies all morning

— Drew Carey (@DrewFromTV) May 5, 2015

Have to love that sense of humor! Watch more viral videos, including one man's very unfortunate Jeopardy answer.