Am I the Only One Who Can't Stop Singing "Bring the Snow" From The Princess Switch?!

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By now, we sincerely hope you've basked in the glory of Netflix's latest holiday offering, The Princess Switch. Featuring a classic switcheroo story that has a common baker swapping spots with royalty, the slightly cheesy but ever-so-endearing film already has Twitter in a tizzy. It doesn't help that the end credits for the film feature a catchy song you won't be able to get out of your head. Called "Bring the Snow," it's just the kind of cheery holiday bop that will help you seamlessly transition into full holiday mode, just in time for the peak of the season. We're waiting with bated breath to find it on Spotify or some other official platform, but luckily, YouTube has come in clutch in the meantime. Happy dancing, friends.