The Jem and the Holograms Trailer Will Make You Miss the '80s Series

You may love an '80s reboot as much as the next person, but will you love the new version of Jem and the Holograms? A new trailer for the musical coming-of-age story is out, and there's a whole lot going on. Nashville's Aubrey Peeples plays a girl thrust into the spotlight when a video of her singing goes viral. She and her friends form a band, get a manager (Juliette Lewis), and toss on like seven layers of sparkly clothing. There's the obligatory object of desire, Rio (Ryan Guzman), and One Direction's "Story of My Life" plays as Jem learns the hard way that fame comes at a price. If all that appeals to you, you'll probably love this trailer. You can watch it below, check out all the pictures, and stay tuned for more before the movie comes out on Oct. 23.

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Here's the original trailer:

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