When Was the Last Time We Saw Jenna on Pretty Little Liars — and Why Is She Back?

It finally happened! One of the last Pretty Little Liars characters to leave Rosewood has returned under mysterious circumstances. Jenna — one of many characters set to return in season seven — runs into all the liars, including Mona, and tells them she's back because of Toby's engagement. But we know she's lying, because she runs into Toby, who asks why she's back. So what is Jenna up to? We know she's working with the late "Dr. Elliott Rollins," whom she calls Archer when Mona and Hanna answer the burner phone. We may not know all the answers, but Jenna's arrival certainly is suspicious. What's more, it's been a while since she last appeared on the show. When did we see Jenna last? To find that answer, we have to go all the way back to season five's special, "How the 'A' Stole Christmas."


Back at the Winter Ball, we spot Jenna with Sydney Driscoll. At this point, you might recall that Alison is recruiting a new team of minions. Sydney leads Emily away from everyone to meet with Jenna, because she doesn't want Alison to see them talking. Jenna tells Emily that Alison asked to be friends once she first returned to Rosewood. She says she had turned Ali down, and Ali had asked her again recently. This time, she says, she gave her the "right" answer.

You have to remember that, at this point, it seems like Ali has killed Mona. So Emily isn't quite on such friendly terms with Ali. She tries to convince Jenna and Sydney that they're getting too close to the enemy. They don't necessarily disagree with her, either. Jenna says they're just doing what they need to in order to survive. Since the Winter Ball, we hadn't seen Jenna, but we'd heard her name mentioned. So does this mean Jenna is still suspicious of Alison even though she has been proven innocent? Would she want revenge after all these years for another reason? Is she actually A.D., as we sort of, kind of suspected? Only time will tell!