Exclusive Pictures! Hailee Steinfeld's Got a Gun in This "Feminist Western"

We got our first look at "feminist Western" The Keeping Room via its trailer earlier this week, and now we have an exclusive look at several of the film's pictures. In this period piece set at the end of the Civil War, three women (played by Hailee Steinfeld, Brit Marling, and Muna Otaru) have to protect themselves from the men who are bent on harming them. Needless to say, things get bloody — check that jarring image of Steinfeld — and we sure hope things turn out well for the women. The film opens in limited release on Sept. 25, so get a look at the pictures now.

Hailee Steinfeld, Muna Otaru, and Brit Marling take up arms to defend themselves.

Otaru takes aim.

The target? Sam Worthington, an aggressive, drunken soldier.

Otaru and Marling against a gorgeous sunset.

Worthington is up to no good.

The women are ready for intruders.

Steinfeld is bloodied up in the showdown.