3 Movies That Deserved More Love in 2014

Moviegoers were certainly not deprived of huge hits, megablockbusters, and big-name stars gracing the big screen in 2014, but for every hit, there's probably a few sleeper flicks you haven't even heard of. Let's remedy that situation. These three films were the Jan Bradys of 2014 — overlooked, underappreciated, and feeling a little left out of the action, but they are definitely worth getting to know. Source: Radius/The Weinstein Company, Focus Features

The One I Love

The One I Love

We all know Elisabeth Moss as the tough-loving Peggy Olson on Mad Men, and if you were lucky enough to see her in Top of the Lake, you know she's got some serious acting chops. However, the real hero here is the story, and it's one plenty of us can identify with: a couple heads out for a long weekend getaway in an attempt to rekindle their marriage. Totally normal, right? I won't give away what happens next, but the twists and turns are the stuff of sci-fi dreams.

Bad Words

Bad Words

Jason Bateman makes everything better, in my opinion, and his portrayal of a loser competing in children's spelling bees is hilarious. But while you're busy laughing at his comedic delivery, you'll start to really feel the barriers that his character, Guy, has surrounded himself with. This comedy ends up being a touching and devastating look at a man out for revenge.

The Signal

The Signal

All you need to know about this movie is that there are aliens, Laurence Fishburne, and a plot that sends its protagonists down a twisted path that might just blow your sci-fi-loving mind. Once the lights dim, you really should just stop thinking and hang on for the ride.