Ricky Gervais Burned These Stars So Badly They Might Need Neosporin

Ricky Gervais isn't known for being politically correct, and the host returned to the Golden Globe Awards to bring his signature controversial humor. No one was safe, even people who weren't there! (Sorry about that burn, Ben Affleck.) In case you didn't catch all of his jokes, take a look ahead to see which unlucky stars were the targets of his one-liners this year!


"How on earth can a 25-year-old girl live on $52 million?" — Ribbing Jennifer Lawrence on speaking for women who don't make as much money as men in Hollywood.


"Not even Sean Penn will find me. Snitch." — Admitting that he'll run away after he hosts, and that Sean Penn won't find him, El Chapo style.


"One's a doorstop, one I use to hit burglars with, and one I keep by the bed to, well, doesn't matter. It's the right size and shape." — Confessing what he does with his three Golden Globes at home.


"I love Jeffrey Tambor. I don't know if it's because he's a great actor or because he reminds me of my Nan." — Poking fun at Tambor's role on Transparent.


"Roman Polanski called it the best date movie ever." — Making a scandalous joke about Polanski's past and Spotlight.


"He's also the only person Ben Affleck has not been unfaithful to. Please welcome Matt Damon." — Taking a low blow at Affleck's personal life.


"I'd rather have a drink with him in his hotel room tonight than Bill Cosby." — Simultaneously burning Mel Gibson and Bill Cosby.


"When Brad and Angelina see our next two presenters, they're going to want to adopt them. Welcome Ken Jeong and Kevin Hart." — Commenting on the presenters' heights.


"To be fair, The Martian was a lot funnier than Pixels, but so was Schindler's List." — On why The Martian is classified as in the comedy or musical category.


"All-female reboots have guaranteed box office results, and they don’t have to spend too much money on the cast." — Explaining why Hollywood is all about female-led sequels these days.