23 Feelings Game of Thrones Book Readers Are Experiencing With the Season 6 Premiere

Season six of Game of Thrones is going to be a whole new adventure — not only because the previews make it look absolutely insane, but because a huge portion of the viewership is experiencing something brand new. That's right . . . those of us who read George R. R. Martin's books are going into this season blind for the very first time.

We used to have plentiful A Song of Ice and Fire book knowledge to fall back on in times of great distress, confusion, or tension, but the show has finally outpaced the written series; and as a whole, the fandom isn't handling it very well. Call us control freaks or spoiler-happy killjoys, but there's something comforting about knowing what's coming . . . especially before plot events like the Red Wedding.

So, if you're one of the series diehards who's struggling with this new adventure, these situations will look quite familiar. Read on for all the feelings that only Game of Thrones book readers will truly understand about season six.

Waking up the morning before every new episode, you know about as much as Jon Snow — nothing.

Waking up the morning before every new episode, you know about as much as Jon Snow — nothing.

And you realize that, since the show has outpaced your knowledge of the series, all you have are theories.

And you realize that, since the show has outpaced your knowledge of the series, all you have are theories.

You swear off drinking during the episodes to give your full, undivided attention to every single detail.

You swear off drinking during the episodes to give your full, undivided attention to every single detail.

But on second thought . . . maybe a glass of wine will help numb the inevitable pain.

But on second thought . . . maybe a glass of wine will help numb the inevitable pain.

You hope George R. R. Martin will surprise us all and release The Winds of Winter on the day of the premiere . . .

You hope George R. R. Martin will surprise us all and release The Winds of Winter on the day of the premiere . . .

But remember that he’s a cruel, cruel man who plans to leave us all hanging for the foreseeable future.

But remember that he’s a cruel, cruel man who plans to leave us all hanging for the foreseeable future.

Your friends have to give you a pep talk before every episode, because it’s hard for you to experience everything fresh.

Your friends have to give you a pep talk before every episode, because it’s hard for you to experience everything fresh.

But they don’t know what you’re going through.

But they don’t know what you’re going through.

When that intro song starts playing, though, you forget all of your fears!

When that intro song starts playing, though, you forget all of your fears!

After all, there’s still SOME stuff that you already know. (Tower of Joy, anyone?)

After all, there’s still SOME stuff that you already know. (Tower of Joy, anyone?)

Plus, nonreaders don’t know about past storylines that might be relevant this season — like red priests resurrecting the dead.

Plus, nonreaders don’t know about past storylines that might be relevant this season — like red priests resurrecting the dead.

And it might be nice to experience brand-new Game of Thrones plots as they air, right?

And it might be nice to experience brand-new Game of Thrones plots as they air, right?

And sex scenes . . .

And sex scenes . . .

And even some heartbreaking deaths that you won’t have prior warning about.

And even some heartbreaking deaths that you won’t have prior warning about.

But you’re strong, and this is a good learning experience for you.

But you’re strong, and this is a good learning experience for you.

Plus, you won’t accidentally spoil any major events for your significant other!

Plus, you won’t accidentally spoil any major events for your significant other!

Understandably, though, when someone tries to high-five you about some major victory you didn’t predict in advance, it stings.

Understandably, though, when someone tries to high-five you about some major victory you didn’t predict in advance, it stings.

Overall, it’s not too bad relinquishing knowledge of the series’ direction.

Overall, it’s not too bad relinquishing knowledge of the series’ direction.

Because in the end, the final two books will have different plots and twists than the show.

Because in the end, the final two books will have different plots and twists than the show.

So you’ve got many, many more joys and traumas ahead.

So you’ve got many, many more joys and traumas ahead.

Don’t fret, fellow book-readers — season six will be good for you.

Don’t fret, fellow book-readers — season six will be good for you.