9 Reasons Hamilton Deserves All the Love From the Grammys

Instagram | aemiliafay

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

That's the question answered by the Grammy-winning musical, Hamilton. The story follows the life of founding father Alexander Hamilton . . . sounds boring, right? WRONG! It's all performed to a hip-hop-infused musical score that has amassed a cult following — history has its eyes on Hamilton.

The musical has earned rave reviews from critics, but it's on social media where it has won the most praise. Hamilton's Instagram page has over 131,000 followers, and obsessed fans have built their own jokes around lines from the musical. And while creator Lin-Manuel Miranda was young, scrappy, and hungry when it all began, these days he is performing for stars like President Obama, Beyoncé and you know, just the whole audience at the Grammys. (Haven't seen his acceptance speech? You need to watch it right now.) So, if you still aren't sure what it's all about or if you'll just never be satisfied with what you've read so far, read on for a refresher.

The Cast Is Like Nothing You've Seen Before
Instagram | donnanyny

The Cast Is Like Nothing You've Seen Before

Sure, the play may be about a lot of old white men, but the cast is a diverse and talented range of performers, including creator Miranda in the title role. Plus, not only are the performers major eye candy, everyone has SERIOUS pipes.

It Will Totally School You in History
Instagram | justaswab

It Will Totally School You in History

Suddenly the whole founding fathers story makes a lot more sense. Where was this musical when we were taking US history?

It's Not Just Entertaining, It's So Damn Smart

It's Not Just Entertaining, It's So Damn Smart

Follow along with the lyrics and prepare to be straight up mesmerized by lines like: "Two Virginians and an immigrant walk into a room / Diametric'ly opposed, foes / They emerge with a compromise, having / opened doors that were / Previously closed / Bros."

It Will Make You Laugh, Smile, and Cry a Lot
Instagram | aemiliafay

It Will Make You Laugh, Smile, and Cry a Lot

We lived the highs and lows alongside Hamilton, Burr, and the rest of the crew. And while seeing it in person is an indescribable feeling, just listening along to the music is enough to spur an all-out obsession (and at least one good cry).

The Magic That Is Ham4Ham

The Magic That Is Ham4Ham

Around 1,500 people gather for the chance to win $10 tickets that are raffled off for every performance. And while there are far too few spots for everyone to get to see it, the cast puts on a Ham4Ham show so even those who miss it walk away with something to remember.

It Has Some of 2015's Best Music — Not Kidding
Instagram | hamiltonmusical

It Has Some of 2015's Best Music — Not Kidding

Listen to the soundtrack below and you'll understand exactly why NPR named it one of 2015's best albums. And when you're on the subway and "You'll Be Back" suddenly pops into your head, just go ahead and sing along.

It's Not Just About the Men

It's Not Just About the Men

While women may not have had the right to vote, the musical highlights the fact that behind every great man is at least one kickass woman. Because in the end it's the ladies who live to tell the story.

The Musical Has Developed One Seriously Devoted Fandom
Instagram | hamiltonmusical

The Musical Has Developed One Seriously Devoted Fandom

How do you really know you've made it? How about when there is fan fiction, memes, and even a Harry Potter mashup devoted to you; just search Hamilton on Tumblr or the hastag #Ham4Ham on Twitter for an idea. Yes, we cracked up at every single joke about Hercules Mulligan, and no, we're not ashamed by it.

In the End, It's Not JUST a Musical

In the End, It's Not JUST a Musical

Hamilton is a community, a history lesson, an emotional roller coaster. Hamilton is life.