Alesso and Liam Payne Performed "Midnight" at Home With 2 Drones and Flashing Club Lights

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We've all rounded out a month in quarantine (for some, even longer) and, at this point, watching celebrities' at-home concerts has quickly become a part of our daily routine. All of the late shows have been "hosting" living room concerts. People have sung in quarantine, and they've sung about quarantine, but until now, no one had performed at home with not one but two drones (to my knowledge).

Alesso and Liam Payne changed that when they appeared on The Late Late Show on Monday night to perform their new song, "Midnight," for the first time. The song is a certified banger, there's no doubt about that, but what really got me excited was the production values that we haven't yet seen in an at-home performance. They didn't let the fact that they're self-isolating on different continents get in the way of performing the song together, with all the extras. I'm more than a little bit obsessed with their commitment, to be honest, with the flashing club lights and dramatic overhead filming with drones (plural). Payne even has a microphone, which is an irrelevant and small detail that I can't stop thinking about.

Before launching into the performance, #1 Directioner James Corden took the opportunity to grill Payne about the rumors swirling around about a potential One Direction reunion. He stayed pretty tight-lipped. "Well, I'm not allowed to say too much, obviously, because I'd be giving it away," he said, all but confirming what we've been hoping. "We've been speaking a lot more at the moment. You know, I think we're all feeling that the 10 year is a very special moment."

Watch the full performance above, and join us in keeping our fingers crossed for a One Direction reunion!