27 Slasher Movies For a Very Bloody Movie Marathon

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Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees — just reading those names can send a shiver down the spine. That's the power of a truly great slasher film: they create memorable villains and enduring heroes to keep us coming back for more (even when that means watching the bloody, gory action through our fingers). When it comes to horror movies, slashers are a category all their own. Maybe it's because the violence is so visceral, the villains so terrible, the screams so real. Or maybe it's because movie franchises can be notorious at waving away stab wounds, letting these movies return for plenty of sequels (and yes, we're talking about you, Scream movies).

One of the very first slasher movies is also one of the genre's best — Alfred Hitchcock's menacing "Psycho," released in 1960. When Anthony Perkins's Norman Bates stabs Marion (Janet Leigh) in the shower, Hitchcock and his crew created a slasher killing that is often imitated but rarely surpassed. And fun fact — Leigh's daughter Jamie Lee Curtis would also become a slasher icon, bringing Laurie Strode to life in the Halloween films.

Read on for slasher movies that will satisfy your most gruesome horror cravings.

Slasher Movies: "Psycho"

Hitchcock's "Psycho" is indubitably the most influential slasher movie of all time. It mixes blood and death with a real sense of dread and terror that makes it unforgettable.

Slasher Movies: "Halloween"

The terror of Michael Myers combined with Jamie Lee Curtis's stunning performance as Laurie Strode makes this movie an all-timer. It sparked a long-ranging franchise of Halloween films, but this is certainly a case where first is the best.

Slasher Movies: "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre"

Leatherface is one of the scariest villains in all of movie history. It's not just his weapon of choice, it's also the unrelenting sense of terror he inspires in his unflagging pursuit of the poor souls who cross his path. "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" is now a sprawling franchise, but the original is still our favorite.

Slasher Movies: "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Most slasher villains are confined to the real world, but Freddy Krueger is extra frightening because he comes after his victims while they sleep. His ability to attack when people are at their most vulnerable has solidified his status as a horror icon.

Slasher Movies: "Friday the 13th"

Jason Voorhees is a horror legend these days, but in the original "Friday the 13th," he's little more than a boogeyman. The real monster stalking the kids at camp Crystal Lake is someone entirely different, and that's what truly makes the movie one of the all-time greats.

Slasher Movies: "Scream"

Slasher movies were looking pretty tired in the '90s, and then along came "Scream." The movie breaks all the rules and deconstructs the genre right before our eyes. Then it proceeds to tell a smart, funny, and often gruesome story anchored by the coolest final girl of them all: Neve Campbell's take-no-prisoners Sidney. We're also fans of the five movies that have since followed.

Slasher Movies: "Urban Legend"

There's no doubt "Urban Legend" cashed in on the success of "Scream," but that doesn't change the fact that its premise is scary good. A college finds itself plagued by a series of murders inspired by urban legends — including one girl being murdered by a killer hiding in her backseat. The movie also gets extra points for unveiling a truly unexpected killer in the end.

Slasher Movies: "Slumber Party Massacre"

Historically, women have rarely fared well in horror films, despite the famed "final girl." And that's still true in "Slumber Party Massacre," which is exactly as advertised. Still, this movie deserves every ounce of praise it has been given in large part because it's one of the first widely released slasher films to have a woman director, Amy Holden Jones.

Slasher Movies: "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane"

Amber Heard is excellent as the titular Mandy, a beautiful young woman who goes to the wrong high school party (pro tip: parties at secluded farms are serial-killer magnets). Finding new twists to infuse into the teen slasher subgenre isn't easy, but "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane" manages to add wit and scares to its basic teen scream plot.

Slasher Movies: "Hatchet"

Released in 2007, "Hatchet" is the whole slasher package: there's a genuinely creepy (and mysterious) killer, an unexpected setting, and a whole lot of twisted kills. The movie kicks off when two college students decide Mardi Gras isn't exciting enough for them for some reason, and they decide to take a boat tour in the bayou at night with a bunch of strangers. Soon, their guide starts filling them in on the swamp's legendary serial killer, and things go downhill for the students from there.

Slasher Movies: "Prom Night"

"Halloween" isn't the only reason Jamie Lee Curtis is known as the ultimate scream queen. She also starred in this 1980 gem that follows a killer set on doling out punishment to four bullies responsible for a young girl's death.

Slasher Movies: "Black Christmas"

Christmas gets dark in this 1974 slasher film about a serial killer who's stalking a group of sorority girls. With its truly unsettling kills and twisted sense of humor, this holiday horror film remains a must see.

Slasher Movies: "The Cabin in the Woods"

On the surface, "The Cabin in the Woods" looks like a typical slasher film. A group of easily classified teens — the jock, the prom queen, the stoner — head to a cabin for some spring break fun. However, this clever meta horror film from Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon is all about deconstructing the genre by upgrading the standard serial killer to something a little more . . . epic.

Slasher Movies: "Wolf Creek"

"Wolf Creek" is not an easy watch. This isn't a fun slasher movie, this is a stomach-turning survival film about three people who accept a ride from a stranger in the Australian outback. However, if you can handle the intensity, this movie is a good example of just how dark this genre can get.

Slasher Movies: "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon"

Leslie Vernon seems like a nice enough guy, but his obsession with slasher-movie killers like Michael Myers inspires him to follow in their footsteps. In a modern twist that's at once quirky and thought-provoking, he invites along a documentary crew to chronicle his descent into infamy.

Slasher Movies: "The Strangers"

The masked killers in "The Strangers" are all the more horrifying due to their motivation: their only reason for torturing the young couple at the center of the film is because they're home. That premise instantly sets us on edge, and the movie that follows more than lives up to its dark plot.

Slasher Movies: "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil"

Some of the best slasher movies are the funny ones, as evidenced by the genius of the comedy/horror film "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil." Poor Tucker and Dale look like the kind of backwoods serial killers who off college students in scary movies, but really, they're just trying to fix up their old cabin. Unfortunately, vivid imaginations run amok, leading to a number of grisly deaths on their property.

Slasher Movies: "My Bloody Valentine"

Just in case you need an excuse not to celebrate Valentine's Day, check out this movie, which features a murderer who preys on lovesick holiday revelers. (And while the 1981 version is definitely superior, we also happily endorse the 2009 remake, which stars "Supernatural" favorite Jensen Ackles.)

Slasher Movies: "You're Next"

Home-invasion slasher films are their very own subgenre, and you'll be hard-pressed to find one better than "You're Next." A wedding anniversary is meant to bring a divided family together again, but instead, the evening is interrupted by animal-mask-wearing psychopaths bent on taking out the entire clan.

Slasher Movies: "Child's Play"

Chucky isn't just any old killer doll. He's a killer doll possessed by Charles Lee Ray, an infamous serial killer who keeps his murderous ways alive while simultaneously gaslighting a young child. And really, there's nothing scarier than that setup.

Slasher Movies: "The Final Girls"

"The Final Girls" is yet another example of how the slasher genre can transcend its tropes to create a more substantial, meaningful film. This sweet (yes, sweet) film allows a girl to reconnect with her dead mom after she and her pals end up inside the horror movie that made her mom famous.

Slasher Movies: "I Know What You Did Last Summer"

Kevin Williamson deserves major props for making slasher films must-see movies again in the '90s. Not only is he responsible for "Scream," but he also penned the screenplay for "I Know What You Did Last Summer," a revenge-driven tale with a hook-wielding killer and a flawless cast that includes Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.

Slasher Movies: "Alice, Sweet Alice"

If you never want to sleep again, then this is the movie for you. "Alice, Sweet Alice" begins with the violent death of a beloved local girl (Brooke Shields in her first big-screen role) and quickly serves up a killer who wears one of the most disturbing masks in movie history.

Slasher Movies: "April Fool's Day"

It's next to impossible to talk about "April Fool's Day" without mentioning its genre-defying twist. So with that in mind, go into this brilliant movie knowing as little as possible and prepare to have your mind blown.

Slasher Movies: "Happy Death Day"

"Happy Death Day" is a funny, original movie with killer twists that just keep coming. Poor Tree just keeps reliving the same day over and over again. Unfortunately for her, that also means she keeps getting murdered by a baby-mask-wearing assailant.

Slasher Movies: "X"

Ti West blessed us with two connected horror movies in 2022. The first, "X," is one of the sexiest horror movies of all time and follows a group of aspiring stars who are getting ready to film a porno. Unfortunately for them, the farm they choose to film their movie on is the residence of an old woman named Pearl who has some real anger to let out.

Slasher Movies: "Pearl"

"Pearl," West's second 2022 film, dives into Pearl's origin story. Depressed at home during World War II, she's desperate to become a big movie star. When her plans are thwarted again and again, she eventually turns to murder. Mia Goth's performance as the young Pearl is legendarily great as she creates a new iconic slasher villain.

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