Pull a Number 5 and Hit Rewind — We'll Explain The Umbrella Academy's Wild Season 2 Finale


The Umbrella Academy loves leaving us on cliffhangers, doesn't it? Season one left us with our jaws gaping, watching the six (seven if you include ghostly Ben) Hargreeves siblings vanish in a blaze of white light as Number Five used his powers to save his family from the Vanya-induced apocalypse in 2019. Season two ends much the same way, except we see where the siblings end up. Though many things are familiar, some key factors are very much not so.

Throughout the season, the siblings struggle to reunite after they're separated over three years starting in 1960. Each sibling believes they're the only one to survive and goes about their lives accordingly: Luther gets involved with illegal boxing, Diego winds up trapped in an asylum, Allison is thick in the civil rights movements, Klaus starts a cult (and Ben finds himself even more sick of his sh*t than usual), and Vanya becomes a nanny with a bout of amnesia (yes, again!). Five arrives in 1963, where he learns that, somehow, his siblings cause another nuclear doomsday and the end of the world. He travels back a few days to collect his siblings and attempts to bring them back to 2019 — but nothing is ever that simple for them.

The Hargreeves miss their chance to travel forward to 2019 and fix the apocalypse they left there, and instead, they have to fix the end of the world they brought to 1963 while shaking the three vicious Swedish assassins on their tail, figuring out what their father has to do with President John F. Kennedy's assassination, uncover the schemes of The Handler, and deal with their own penchant for f*cking things up for themselves. Which takes us to the final act of season two.


What Happens to Luther in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Though Luther begins the season feeling sorry for himself as he dabbles in the world of illegal boxing and working as the bodyguard for an infamous Dallas figure, he manages to dig himself out of his self-pity trench and reunite with his siblings to find their way back to 2019. He spends most of his time acting as Number Five's right-hand man, even helping Five meet up with his past self to ensure Five does time travel back to his family (like he did in the first season), and they manage to snag another time-travel briefcase. Unfortunately, Luther manages to destroy the briefcase, but in the end, he's right beside his siblings when they battle Lila and the Handler. He travels forward to 2019 along with his other siblings.


What Happens to Diego in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Diego goes through a lot this season, developing an obsession with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and his belief that Sir Reginald had something to do with it. His graceless attempts to find out the truth land him in an insane asylum, where he meets Lila. She follows Diego as he escapes, helping him when the Swedish trio attack, and invites herself along for his mission. Diego quickly finds himself falling for Lila, though Number Five's suspicion of her keeps him from completely falling under her spell. However, when Lila saves Five instead of Diego during a heated altercation with the Swedes, Diego pushes her away, unable to shake the idea that she's up to something. (He's not wrong.)

Diego continues to hunt down Sir Reginald, determined to connect his adoptive father to the imminent murder of the president and stop him. The two engage in fisticuffs when Diego and Five break into Reginald's lab with the older man sneakily defeating Diego, but it only serves to fuel the latter's mission. When Reginald eventually sits down with all his children, he berates them for seeking him out to solve their problems. He then rips into Diego specifically, mocking his hero complex and incessant need to prove himself to his father. The encounter shatters Diego's self-esteem, but he plows on, more determined than ever to uncover his father's grand scheme.

As Diego and his siblings rush to figure out how to stop the apocalypse, a formerly banished Lila kidnaps Diego to work under her as security for the Commission. While trapped, Diego manages to figure out what will cause the nuclear war that brings on the apocalypse and escapes to warn his siblings. He teams up with Allison and Klaus to save Vanya from being tortured by the government and winds up getting knocked out when Vanya's power overwhelms her, sending a head-piercing sound wave throughout the entire building she's being held in. Once Vanya is properly subdued, the siblings race to keep their father from assassinating President Kennedy, but they're unable to stop the fixed event and learn their father isn't present at the assassination.

In the end, Diego fights alongside his siblings against the Handler and Lila. He manages to convince Lila not to kill them, revealing that she's one of them, though she disappears before he can get her to stay with the Hargreeves. He is with his siblings as they travel forward to 2019 and wind up back at their home.


What Happens to Allison in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Things do not go easily for Allison when she lands in the year 1960. She's mute, alone, and — oh yeah — a Black woman in the segregated South. The moment she arrives, she's violently confronted with her new reality when she's chased through the streets by three angry white men. She finds safety and solace in a local beauty salon, where she is radicalized and joins the civil rights movement. It's there that she meets Raymond Chestnut and falls in love with him, later marrying him. Three years go by before she runs into any of her siblings again.

When Allison reunites with her siblings, she joins the crusade to get them back to 2019, albeit while still handling her part in the desegregation movement happening simultaneously. It's during a violent altercation with the police during a sit-in at a local diner that Allison uses her powers for the first time since she arrived in Dallas and exposes her ability to Raymond. Though the two work through the revelation that Allison is superpowered and displaced in time, Raymond decides to stay behind in 1960, determined to finish his work with the civil rights movement.

Allison works with Diego and Klaus to free Vanya from the government's capture and fights alongside her siblings when they battle the Handler, Lila, and the Commission agents at Sissy's farm. She survives, thanks to Diego talking down Lila and Five turning back time, and is with the group when they all time travel to 2019.


What Happens to Klaus in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Klaus's journey is a roller coaster of a ride, from his creation of a cult to his attempts to stop the love of his life from signing up for the Vietnam War. Unfortunately, he isn't able to do the latter; some events are fixed in time, and apparently, Dave's path to war is one of them. His failure with Dave causes Klaus to relapse and drown his sorrows in alcohol, but his siblings snap him out of his inebriated daze in time for him to join the mission to get them back to 2019.

Klaus, who unintentionally started the cult while abusing his connection to Ben to con people into believing he was a prophet, runs away from his followers to escape their clinging codependence. But when they learn the Hargreeves brought the apocalypse with them to the '60s, Ben convinces him to expose himself as a fraud to his followers. They don't believe him and refuse to leave his side, but this proves helpful when Klaus allows Ben to possess his body and confess his feelings to a young woman he's had feelings for since she joined the cult. Eventually, the pair have to leave the cult behind to team up with Diego and Allison to save Vanya and stop her from setting off the nuclear war. The battle winds up overwhelming Ben's connection to the living world, and he ascends to the next plane, leaving Klaus without his constant, ghostly companion.

Later, Klaus travels with the family to Sissy's farm to save Harlan. He survives the subsequent attack from the Handler, Lila, and the Commission agents and is with the group when they all time travel to 2019.


What Happens to Number 5 in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Oh, Number Five. He's always stuck with the most burden of the work! When he lands in 1963 and sets forth to drag his siblings back to their original time of 2019, he does so with few details. When he convinces their father to meet up with them, hoping the man will have an idea for how they can return to 2019, Sir Reginald isn't able to give him any answers. But he does give him a word of advice to help with his time-jumping problems: "Start small." Sir Reginald reminds Five that "so much can change in a matter of seconds," which doesn't mean much to the former Commission agent at the time.

With his father unable to help, Five agrees to a deal with the devil Handler, traveling forward to 1982 to murder Commission's entire board of directors, leaving her in charge. In exchange, she gives him a time-traveling briefcase and a deadline to meet if he wants to return to 2019. Sadly, only Luther and Klaus make it to the meeting spot in time as Diego gets kidnapped by Lila, Allison gets waylaid by the remaining two Swedes who attack her and Raymond at their home, and Vanya gets taken by the FBI, who believe she's a Russian spy.

With another plan screwed, Five decides to intercept the version of himself that was sent to ensure the assassination of the president to steal his time briefcase. Luther tags along to keep him from going insane due to "paradox psychosis," but the older Five attempts to kill his younger self instead. Luther and young Five manage to roughhouse the older Five into the portal that will take him back to the point in time when Five originally returned to his family in season one, but the briefcase is destroyed in the struggle.

With all their plans failed, Five tags along with his siblings to help Harlan on Sissy's farm. They're attacked by the Commission agents under the command of the Handler and Lila, who vows to end the Umbrella Academy for good. When the Handler realizes Diego is taking down Lila, she kills the Hargreeves and her adoptive daughter. Five manages to use the last bit of his strength to time travel the few seconds before the Handler came into the barn to kill them, saving them all. The final Swede assassin shoots the Handler, taking revenge for his fallen brothers. Five convinces him to leave them all alone and, after Vanya has helped Harlan rein in his power outburst, gets a briefcase to bring them all to 2019.


What Happens to Ben in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

Ben tags along for all of Klaus's adventures in season two, quite fed up with watching his brother string along his followers and run away from his responsibilities. He continually attempts to possess Klaus's body, finally convincing him to let him take control so he can spend the afternoon with a follower named Jill. His afternoon of corporealness doesn't last long, though. Soon after, Ben finds himself tagging along as Klaus, Diego, and Allison attempt to retrieve Vanya from the FBI. Because of the force of Vanya's power blast, his other siblings are unable to reach her, leaving Ben to try to snap her out of her trance. He does so, but in the process, Vanya's power eats away at his spirit, "killing" him a second time. Before he ascends, he asks Vanya to tell Klaus that Ben chose to stay with him and it wasn't his fault he hadn't descended.

At the end of the season, the six siblings travel back to 2019, only to discover that their home has been changed. Sir Reginald is alive, the Umbrella Academy has been replaced by the Sparrow Academy, and Ben is alive. (Though much more emo looking than we're used to.)


What Happens to Vanya in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

When Vanya lands in the '60s, she has no memory of her siblings or any of their adventures. She winds up as the caretaker for a boy named Harlan, living with his parents, Carl and Sissy. Vanya and Sissy grow close, the two falling into an emotional affair behind Carl's back that leads to a heap of trouble when he discovers their secret. All the while, Vanya's siblings find their way back to her, explaining the insanity of their lives in a way that she glibly accepts.

Without the firsthand knowledge of all the pain from their childhood and their struggles in the first season, Vanya's control over her powers is more finely tuned. But when she's arrested by the cops while trying to escape with Sissy and Harlan, she's taken to the FBI, who suspect she's actually a Russian spy. The interrogation turns to torture and drugging, which causes Vanya to slip into a trance. While under, her nightmares cause an outburst of her powers similar to the one in season one that destroyed the moon. She kills everyone in the building, and though Diego, Allison, and Klaus all attempt to pull her out of it, it's Ben who manages to bring her back.

Now, all the Hargreeves are wanted criminals in the eyes of the law, which is just in time for Vanya to realize that Harlan is in trouble back at Sissy's farm. Vanya managed to push some of her power into him while performing CPR on him earlier, and now his body is on overload. When the siblings arrive at the farm to help, they're ambushed by the Handler, Lila, and Commission agents. Once the dust dies down with the Handler and a time briefcase is secured, Vanya takes back her power from Harlan, and the siblings journey back to 2019 without him and Sissy. We see later that Harlan still has powers, as he's seen telekinetically making his toys float.


What Happens to Lila in The Umbrella Academy Season 2?

We meet Lila as another resident of the asylum Diego is initially trapped in, but as we quickly learn, she's actually undercover. The adoptive daughter of the Handler, Lila was sent by her mother to watch over Diego and track the Hargreeves. Unbeknown to her, her mother also hires three Swedish brothers to hunt down Five to bring him to her and kill Diego for sleeping with Lila. Though Lila suspects her mother isn't telling her everything, she follows along with the plan until Diego gets suspicious of her and demands she stay away.

When her mother becomes the new leader of Commission (after getting Five to murder the entire board of directors), Lila is appointed the new head of security. She kidnaps Diego and bargains for her mother to let him work at the Commission, calling him her boyfriend. Diego uses the opportunity to figure out that Vanya sets off the nuclear war (again) after being captured by the FBI and escapes to help his siblings. When Lila realizes he's gone, her mother uses her vulnerability to turn her against Diego and Five by lying that Five is the one who murdered her birth parents at the order of the former head of Commission.

It isn't until Lila has joined her mother in ambushing the Umbrella Academy at Sissy's farm that she learns the Handler was the one who issued the command to kill her birth parents so she could take Lila as her own because of her unique power. As Diego tells Lila, she's one of the special children born on the same day, just like the Hargreeves. The revelation is too much, and when she's able to get away, Lila snatches a time briefcase and disappears.

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