10 Stevie and David Moments From Schitt's Creek That Have Our Warmest Regards

Everett Collection

From the moment David asked Stevie for towels with a scrunched-up nose — which ultimately translated into the best engagement gift ever (but more on that later) — I knew this was the beginning of a special type of relationship. David serves as the perfect counterpart to Stevie's cynical and satirical demeanor, sharing the same attitude since his past life is laden with a long string of unhealthy friendships and relationships. Throughout the show, we get to see their journey of becoming best friends, from poking fun at each other and having heartfelt conversations to ultimately admitting they are indeed each other's best friends and pillars of emotional strength.

In a show that's well known and celebrated for creating the best character arcs, these two have had one of the most precious camaraderies — and that speaks volumes. Though it was a tall order, I've rounded up the 10 best Stevie and David moments for you to revisit, so you can embark on yet another marathon of Schitt's Creek. Our warmest regards to you!

David Dispels Stevie's Doubts (Season 1, Episode 10)

Schitt's Creek makes a point of creating a world where any bigotry and hatred centered on somebody's sexuality doesn't exist. Ah, what a great world would that be! Following their unexpected hookup, Stevie is confused as to where David stands sexually, as she was under the impression that he was only romantic with men. David employs a deftly phrased metaphor about wine that succinctly describes pansexuality in a way that manages to be witty, insightful, and more importantly, easily understood.

The Advent of Warmest Regards — Best Wishes! (Season 1, Episode 11)

Following their drunken one-night stand, Stevie and David struggle to set up some healthy boundaries to navigate the uncharted waters of the whole friends-with-benefits situation. However, the scenario proves to be a tad trickier than they anticipated when David starts getting uneasy when he sees Stevie hitting it off with Grant — the hunky handyman. Caught off guard, David's strange behavior upon witnessing this is as palpable as it is hilarious. The awkward chitchat culminates in him leaving Stevie be as he utters "Warmest Regards" in a sarcastic tone. Stevie matches his unmistakably acerbic farewell with a similar dry remark: "Best Wishes." While it's no "Ew, David," it definitely encapsulates their endearing friendship.

When They Mutually Decide to Stay Friends (Season 2, Episode 7)

Stevie and David have undeniable chemistry and strike an instant bond all through season one. And though an unbridled combination of booze and weed leads them to sleep together, it isn't long before they both realize that a romantic relationship isn't exactly the right fit for them. They place their friendship above all, and instead of rolling the dice on it, they close that chapter for good. Nonetheless, they figure out a way to love each other the same as friends. If this doesn't warm your heart, I don't know what will.

David Comforts Stevie Following Her Aunt's Death (Season 3, Episode 3)

When Stevie's Aunt Maureen passes away, she, being the one of the very few who liked her, steps up to fulfill the required responsibilities for her funeral. Seeing an overworked and overwhelmed Stevie, David, albeit reluctantly, offers to help her out. When Stevie comes across one eerie coincidence after another, she spirals into thinking that she's well on the path to meet the same fate as her aunt. David takes on the mantle of being a supportive friend and gives her an encouraging reality check that alleviates her trepidations.

Stevie Pushes David to Open His Own Store (Season 3, Episode 7)

David never misses an opportunity to toot his own horn, especially when he sees something with a questionable aesthetic. So when the general store in Schitt's Creek is shutting down, Stevie urges him to "put little money where his mouth is" and start his own business. When he decides to move forward with the idea, he learns that all of his past art galleries were bought off by his parents.

He reflexively confides in Stevie, who not only reminds him of his parents' good intentions behind the deed, but also manages to crack a joke or two about how she only receives a small weekly stipend for hanging out with him. A good mix of tough love, humor, and directing the right path for David, these characteristics definitely fall under the responsibilities of being a best friend.

David and Stevie Have a Heart-to-Heart During a Sleepover (Season 3, Episode 11)

When Alexis contracts lice, David pesters Stevie into letting him crash at her place in a bid to put at least a few miles between himself and Alexis's scalp. Between David throwing himself into setting up his business and Stevie working around the clock to restore the Rosebud Motel, they don't see each other often. Sensing some passive-aggressive behavior from Stevie, David not only diffuses the tension by addressing their social predicament, but also has a profound platonic pillow talk with her about Patrick. As Stevie gives her stamp of approval to pursue this dynamic, I can't help but reminisce on the times I've had a similar talk with my best friend — and that's just about the coziest feeling ever!

Stevie and Patrick Band Together to Tease David (Season 4, Episode 4)

While a fair share of their exchanges includes jabbing at each other, Stevie and David leave no stone unturned once Patrick comes into their lives. More often than not, it's David who gets cornered as Stevie and Patrick gang up to push his many buttons. The most memorable one is when David can't swallow the bitter pill that he's a control freak, and he decides to put a brave face on in the name of compromising when Patrick makes some changes around the store. It doesn't take him longer than a day to crack, as he breaks into a rant that ends up with him referring to Patrick as his boyfriend for the first time. We see what you did there, Stevie!

Stevie Cheers David Up When He Takes a Break From Patrick (Season 4, Episode 8)

A can of worms opens up when the Roses have an impromptu run-in with Patrick's ex-fiancé, who they have no prior about. Thrown for a loop, David decides to take a break from his relationship with Patrick to regroup and reflect, which renders him bedridden. Stevie, quite literally, drags his overdramatic self out of his bed to treat him to a spa day to keep his mind off things amid the romantic chaos. They end up having a touching chat that leads David to confess that Stevie is indeed his best friend. An expert at hiding her real feelings behind a snide remark, Stevie reverts his affection, but not without a tinge of cynicism. If only Lover's Curry hadn't intercepted this nearly perfect moment.

David Breaks the Engagement News to Stevie (Season 5, Episode 14)

Patrick's proposal came as a pleasant surprise for David, but to not upstage the imminent opening night of the local production of Cabaret, they decide to hold back the good news until after the show. However, David can't keep it in and lets Stevie in on the joyous news. Her reaction is so pure that it I bawl like a bébé every single time. She drops everything and gets him a towel with his initials monogrammed on it as an engagement present, saying that she already gave Patrick her blessing when he ran the engagement past her. Who put these onions here?

Stevie and David Sit in Front of His Potential Home (Season 6, Episode 13)

I'd be lying if I said I didn't move through a couple of tissues per episode while watching season six; in part because it was the ultimate chapter of the lives of characters I've come to love over the past few years, but mostly because it is full of gut-wrenching, tear-jerking moments, and the penultimate episode is no exception.

After the deal to expand the motel chain gets secured, David assumes that he and Patrick will be uprooting their lives and moving to New York. Unaware of David's plans, Patrick has his heart set out on buying a charming house in Schitt's Creek simply because David once said it reminds him of Kate Winslet's cottage in The Holiday.

Parked outside the house in question, Stevie helps David put things into perspective by holding a mirror up to him, coupled with some hard-hitting questions. Their candid conversation helps solidify David's decision to stay with the love of his life in a place that blessed him with all of these amazing relationships.

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