Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Everything You Need to Remember Before the Final Episodes


Chapter four of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina will premiere on Netflix on Dec. 31, and we are ready for what will hopefully be an epic showdown. Not only will it be the final season of the show, but it's due to cover a lot of twists that happen to the characters in the last season, which premiered nearly a year ago. We've seen a lot of bombshells from the Greendale gang, from new romances and witches to heartbreaks and time travel, and we may finally get answers to the twists in the final season. Before you start the new season, here's a quick refresher on where the show leaves each character.

What Happens to Sabrina in Season 3?

Sabrina undergoes quite an adventure, starting with unlocking the gates of Hell to rescue her boyfriend Nick and trap her father Lucifer into another body. To ensure that Hell doesn't take over Earth, she competes in the Unholy Regalia and has to simultaneously protect Earth against the pagan witches who want to claim it. When the competition goes awry, she's trapped in Hell for eternity with Lilith and Lucifer . . . until future Sabrina comes in and saves her.

When Sabrina returns to Earth and realizes the pagans destroyed the planet, she finds Ambrose and together they find a way for her to time travel to reverse the apocalypse. After creating another timeline, she and her clone split up their responsibilities to both realms to keep the peace, but they may have irreparably damaged the space-time continuum.

What Happens to Zelda in Season 3?

In Faustus Blackwood's absence, Aunt Zelda becomes headmistress of the Academy and high priestess of the Church of Night, but she and the other witches and warlocks quickly learn they're losing their powers without Lucifer's support. In order to maintain their magic and keep the pagans from taking over, Zelda and a few other witches decide to create a new coven. Before they can fully execute their plan, Blackwood and the pagans interfere, and Zelda is later shot and killed.

Fortunately, the dead never stay dead for long in Greendale, so once Sabrina reverses the pagans' control over the town, Zelda instructs everyone to pray to the Goddess of Hecate to regain their powers, and just like that, the coven becomes part of the Order of Hecate. Oh, and did we mention, Zelda falls in love with a badass fellow witch?

What Happens to Hilda in Season 3?

Auntie Hilda — aka Helga Stillwell — is happily in love with Dr. Cee and ready to get married to him, even as she struggles to keep her coven intact. She works her magic to save them by having everyone perform a ceremony during the Hare Moon, but when the coven stumbles into the pagans, they put a curse on Hilda, slowly turning her into a spider. When she attacks Dr. Cee after a full transformation, she asks Zelda to shoot her, which she does so that she can resurrect a new Hilda. Hilda stays dead during the pagan apocalypse and is revived by the witches' prayer to Hecate. Much to our delight, Dr. Cee is also alive so there's still hope for a marriage on the horizon!

What Happens to Ambrose in Season 3?

Let's be real: Ambrose pretty much always saves the day, and it's no different in this season. He and his partner in crime (and passion!) Prudence finally hunt down Blackwood and bring him back so that his aunties can hold Blackwood hostage before he performs any more nefarious magical activities.

Ambrose not only helps Sabrina with the Unholy Regalia, but he tries to save Nick's soul and is the only one to survive the apocalypse. He helps Sabrina go back in time using a temporal egg he kept so that all is right in both realms, but is worried that she's managed to disrupt time by creating a paradox. Sadly, Ambrose and Prudence break up by the end of the season, but we're hopeful they'll finally get it together by the finale.

What Happens to Nick in Season 3?

Dark and dashing Nick Scratch becomes even more brooding after Lucifer takes over his body and traps his soul. Sabrina saves him pretty early on but she's unable to rid Lucifer's lingering energy, and it hurts their relationship because he's haunted by his memories of torture. He takes up masochistic coping mechanisms, and when Sabrina catches him in the throes of sexual torture, it changes their relationship for good. For what it's worth, he redeems himself a little bit by trying to help Harvey, Roz, and Theo escape the pagans. By the end of the season, he's finding comfort in Prudence . . . yikes.

What Happens to Roz in Season 3?

Roz is living her most adventurous life in season three. She and Harvey take their relationship to the next level and also form a band with Theo. She becomes quite the social butterfly at Baxter High, going as far as to become a cheerleader with Sabrina, even as she's fighting crime and using her "cunning" powers to protect Greendale from destruction. She, Harvey, and Theo help Sabrina open the gates of Hell to save Nick.

Later in the season, they get in trouble with the pagans, one of whom turns Roz into stone. Fortunately, Sabrina and Harvey are there to reverse the spell. She helps Sabrina defeat the pagans and one of her crowning achievements is beheading the gorgon who transformed her into a stone.

What Happens to Harvey in Season 3?

Harvey's still haunted by the loss of his brother, a memory the demons of Hell try to use against him, but Roz is there to comfort him. When Roz turns into a stone, Harvey and Sabrina discover that they can use Pygmalion's spell to transform her back to human, but he'd have to give up his one true love — who he eventually learns has been Sabrina all along. It leaves him confused, but he's not about to let his confused feelings get in the way of saving his present love.

Unfortunately, he's far from safe as the pagans need a virgin to sacrifice and have their eyes on him; when Sabrina travels back in time, she saves Harvey from being sacrificed. By the end of the season, he and Roz sleep together, and he never has to worry about being a virgin sacrifice again.

What Happens to Theo in Season 3?

It's been wonderful to track Theo's transformation from season one because he's become more confident than ever. He befriends the Robin, the new kid at school, and the more time they spend together, the more Theo falls for him. In a strange twist of fate, he learns that Robin's actually a pagan spy — a hobgoblin to be exact — but after meeting Theo and his friends, Robin decides to help them instead. By the end of the season, Theo and Robin are still together, and Robin plans to stay in Greendale to be with him.

What Happens to Prudence in Season 3?

Prudence may be Blackwood's daughter, but they're far from alike, and she proves it by hunting down her evil father and keeping him from sacrificing her half-siblings. Her friendships with Dorcas and Agatha are strained this season: even more so when Agatha is driven to madness by a pagan god. Agatha joins forces with Blackwood and kills Dorcas, an event that Sabrina can't reverse when she time travels. In a fit of rage, Prudence blames Ambrose for Dorcas's death because he didn't let her kill Blackwood when she had the chance.

By the end of the season, we see her and Nick comforting each other on the steps of the Academy in the wake of their respective breakups.

What Happens to Faustus Blackwood in Season 3?

Faustus Blackwood is the instigator of many calamitous events in Greendale and the Church of Night. After the Spellmans use his body to trap Lucifer, he and Lucifer team up to escape. Not only does he get the Mark of Cain from Lilith, which means he can't be harmed, he joins forces with the pagans to get back at the Spellmans. Right before the pagan apocalypse, he wreaks havoc at the Spellman house by killing Zelda and Prudence.

Even after Sabrina reverts the world back to "normal," by the end of the season, Blackwood takes Agatha and his twins into the forest with the magical egg and cracks it open, unleashing the "Eldritch Terrors" into the world.

What Happens to Lilith in Season 3?

Sabrina tries to let Lilith take charge of Hell, but when that's not possible, Lilith becomes her Regent and acts as her right-hand woman for all intents and purposes. When she finds out that Lucifer is on the loose, she tries to hide because she's worried he'd punish her for not helping him. Lucifer later comes to her as Blackwood and makes her free his soul, but she and Blackwood devise a plan to escape Lucifer's wrath, namely by sleeping with him and getting impregnated with Lucifer's baby. The latter is all too happy to learn that it's going to be a boy, so Lilith's safe . . . for now.

What Happens to Lucifer in Season 3?

Lucifer Morningstar seems to be everywhere in season three, even as he's held captive for much of the season. He taunts Nick and nearly kills him with drugs, punishes the coven for betraying him, and manipulates other characters like Harvey to do his bidding. Eventually, he returns to his place in Hell, helps Sabrina prep for the final challenge of the Unholy Regalia, and gets ready to see Sabrina become of Queen of Hell.

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