A Freak Accident Has This Mom Urging Parents to Stop Their Kids From Playing Pokémon Go

One Pennsylvania mom is urging parents to not let their kids play Pokémon Go after her 15-year-old daughter was struck by a car while on the app.

Tracy Nolan's teenage daughter, Autumn, was playing the virtually interactive game when she was hit by a vehicle on a busy highway. Tracy told local news that Autumn approached her asking to use her phone to play Pokémon Go. Though she expressed feeling reluctant to lend her teen the device, she did. A short 30 minutes later she got terrifying news that Autumn had been hit by a car while playing the game.

Autumn, who suffered a few injuries, is expected to be OK. But Tracy is urging parents to remember that no fun game is worth the life of your child. "Parents, don't let your kids play this game because you don't want to go through what I went through last night. I really thought I was losing my daughter," she stressed.

If you've been considering whether or not you should allow your child to play the popular new game, check out the pros and cons of downloading it.