How 1 Woman Deals with the Reality of Pregnancy During Chemo

In the ninth episode of 9 Months with Courteney Cox we catch up with Lauren who undergoes chemotherapy during her second trimester. Her doctor asks her to make a difficult decision; either wait to complete her treatment after pregnancy and risk the cancer growing, or continue chemotherapy during pregnancy and risk her baby having birth defects. Lauren grapples with which route to take — jeopardize her life or her baby's?

We revisit Angelina and Andrew, two teenage parents-to-be debating over their child's future. The reality of the pregnancy hits when they learn the baby's sex and begin to question if adoption is truly the right path. Ultimately, Angelina and Andrew decide to go with an open adoption, one that allows them to be involved in their child's life. Meanwhile, Lawrence finally confronts his alcoholism and attends therapy.

Watch for new episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. PT/9 p.m. ET.