Well, This Happened: A Black Bear Roamed the Halls of a Montana High School

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In Bozeman, MT, a black bear made its way into the hallways of Bozeman High School on Wednesday morning. According to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a custodian first spotted the bear traversing the football field at 7:30 a.m. — perhaps prompting him to think, "She doesn't even go here!"

The bear then entered the main building through an open garage door, where it proceeded to sniff around the hallway and make attempts to scale and open lockers. In an interview, Principal Kevin Conwell described the animal as being "skittish," although thankfully not aggressive since staff members and students were nearby, taking videos and photos of the bear. "They were being careful. They were keeping a good, safe distance," Conwell said.

Eventually, the bear was guided out of the hallway and off of the school grounds by Bozeman police officer Rick Musson and Gallatin County Sheriff's Sgt. Brandon Kelly — but not without first doing what animals are wont to do. Conwell noted, "It left us a nice deposit."

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