Meet the Little Boy Who Is Suffering From a Rare Condition That's Turning Him Into Stone

For years, this Colorado youth has seen a number of doctors searching for answers, but nobody can seem to help him — as Jaiden Rogers slowly turns into stone.

The 10-year-old boy is currently suffering from a medical condition that's so rare, there have only been 40 other cases of the same disease ever reported. Since Jaiden's parents first noticed a few spots on his skin that were turning hard three years ago, they've struggled to find doctors who are aware that this rare skin condition even exists.

"It's almost like if you took your finger and tapped on his arm, it's almost like tapping on a counter top, on a hard surface. That's what it feels like," Tim Rogers, Jaiden's father, told Fox News. "People don't get it, mainly because people don't know what it is, no one has ever heard of it."

As the spots on his skin spread across his legs, hips, and back, it made it more difficult for the young boy to walk. Doctors diagnosed Jaiden with stiff skin syndrome, and as each day passes, his symptoms get worse. The little boy can't describe the type of pain he is in but told his parents frankly that he needs a wheelchair because his legs just don't work anymore.

"It's kind of outrageous sounding when you say a boy turning to stone. People can't get that through their mind. That's basically what's happening," said his mom, Natalie Rogers.

While Jaiden's doctors are tirelessly doing research to come up with a treatment, including rounds of chemotherapy drugs, there is no known cure. Dr. Elizabeth Swanson explained that the unfortunate thing with stiff skin syndrome is that once the skin has hardened, that damage can't be reversed.

"We're not going to be able to bring back normal skin to that area. But what I am hopeful of is this treatment helps prevent the spread of it and holds it in its tracks. That's a win," said Swanson. "Maybe we are a little too late to really make a huge profound significant difference for Jaiden because of what is already there, but the next patient that gets diagnosed with SSA can start on this medicine on day one of diagnosis and stop it at that point in time."