These Breastfeeding Photos Are Taking a Major Stand Against Workplace Discrimination

One photographer is taking a stand against the workplace discrimination that many new moms face in the office by using her images to send a powerful message.

After hearing a number of awful experiences that moms went through, Jen Pan decided enough was enough: no woman should be told that pumping at work affects her efficiency. No employee's performance bonus should be reassessed because of her need to pump. No new mom should be told that discreetly pumping in an appropriate area is distracting to her colleagues.

"I truly am curious if the 'horrible bosses' are being ignorant," Jen wrote. "If so, maybe we shouldn't be too quick to blame them but maybe try to educate or encourage them to be more understanding to expressing moms."

Jen's special series is dedicated to all working moms who pump at work and was shot in Singapore's Central Business District. "Do not be discouraged with ignorant people. You are doing what you have to do," Jen wrote. "Do not be guilty or ashamed. You are in charge of your baby's nutrient intake. No one has the right to tell you to stop your breastfeeding journey before you or baby are ready. You are beautiful."

While it's currently a law in the United States that employers must provide break time and a place for nursing moms to pump their milk, women in many other countries do not have the same support. Jen added: "Give them a few minutes to settle their mommy role and I am sure they will be a relieved, happy and efficient worker!"