Your Jaw Will Drop When You See How Many Presents Are "Under" This Tree

'Tis the season for gift giving, but how do you know when you've gone too far with the presents?

Our guess? When you can no longer enjoy the sight of your family's Christmas tree because it is overtaken by a massive stack of presents. This insane pile of wrapped packages is going viral because it's a pretty shocking sight for parents who can't help but imagine the overflowing credit card bills and other kids who are immediately jealous.

Although some Facebook users think this image is a glorious photo of all things Christmas magic, others feel that it's the perfect example of consumerism ruining the season. Emma Tapping, the mother who created this tree, isn't letting haters stop her fun and will continue posting photos.

"I LOVE christmas, I LOVE spoiling my kids in the festive season, and I work damn hard to make sure it is every bit as amazing as it can be," Tapping said.

No matter what, people should respect how others choose to celebrate the holidays and bring cheer into their homes. If nothing else, you can respect this mom's organization and give her an A for effort!