These Floating Wine Glasses Are $2 at Aldi, So Run, Don't Walk

No need to cry over spilled wine, because that's soon to be a thing of the past, thanks to these Crofton Floating Wine Glasses ($2) at Aldi. The glass's long stem is accented with bulbs and shaped like a spike, so you can stick them into the sand or even float them in the water without having to worry about them tipping. We first caught on to the magic of buoyant goblets when we discovered this brand of floating wine glasses by Floating Beach Glass. While we love the brand's variety and vibrant color options, there's something irresistibly convenient about picking these up during a routine grocery run. Another selling feature of the Aldi option? The price. For just $2 a glass, it's hard to find a reason you wouldn't throw one or five of these into your shopping cart. Now, to the nearest Aldi!