You Think Marie Kondo Skips the Garage? 13 Organization Ideas to Konmari That Space

If the Netflix series Tidying Up has inspired you to straighten up your home in ways you never thought imaginable, we have one question for you: did you forget about the garage? The often neglected and dank dumping ground for everything from the kid's baseball cleats to cars and camping gear is usually the first place families are tossing their unwanted items . . . those bags of things we've pulled from the closets in an effort to Konmari the home. That's fine, as long as you acknowledge this behavior as a step and not the finale. So if you need organizational items for your garage or are looking for some garage makeover decoration ideas, we have enough inspo to get you started.

This garage really has it all.

We love how they labeled each box in huge letters.

Clear out space from the home and organize spare supplies in the garage.

A few plants add an unsuspecting touch of green to a traditionally unloved space of the home.

Feel free to line an entire wall with shelving.

The white bins really brighten up the garage.

We could stare at this wall for hours.

If you have tons of sports equipment, that built-in netting at the bottom is great.

This storage cabinet is so nice and clean.

They really used all of their wall space.

Pretty luggage is a nice way to spruce up the garage space.

Mint is such a surprising color for the garage and it adds a relaxing touch.