How to Begin Teaching Your Child to Brush Her Teeth

Once your little one reaches the age where she can start cleaning her own teeth, generally at 2 years old, the training process begins. It takes a little time and effort, but teaching children to brush can be made into a fun activity for everyone. Keep reading for tips on how to get your child into the habit of brushing her teeth all by herself.

Let her choose her toothbrush

Take a trip to the drugstore, and have your child pick out her own toothbrush. With so many fun options like princesses and TV characters, there's something for every personality! Your child will look forward to using the toothbrush because it'll feel like any other toy.

Choose the right toothpaste

One of the biggest hurdles is weening your child onto toothpaste. Go for a daily anticavity toothpaste, like ProNamel 6-12 Years Toothpaste For Kids, which will also help protect enamel from everyday acids with twice-daily brushing.

Create an interactive calendar

Draw a calendar using colored markers, and display it on the bathroom wall. Every day your child brushes her own teeth twice, place a star on the calendar. The more stars, the better prize — she'll be brushing on her own in no time!

Play a song while she brushes

Break out those speakers and play your child's favorite song while she brushes to keep her mind occupied while making the process fun. You can even sing or hum the song with her to get her involved.

Visit the dentist

Have your child learn with a pro by taking her to a pediatric dentist. These dentists often have playful and kid-friendly offices, so your child will see the tooth doctor as a pleasant experience as opposed to being afraid.

More from ProNamel


How do you protect your children's enamel and the affects of acid erosion while letting them enjoy the foods they love? Make some simple adjustments to their daily dental hygiene and choose a toothpaste specially formulated to protect enamel. For more information on keeping your child's teeth healthy, click here.