Instant Pot Just Made a Blender That Cooks Things — and You Can Only Get It at Walmart


If you are one of the legions of people with an Instant Pot proudly sitting on your kitchen countertop, you have probably thought to yourself at one point or another, "I already own the most useful piece of cooking equipment that's ever been invented, and I will never need to buy another one ever again."

Welp. There now exists an Instant Pot blender that actually cooks your food while it blends. The Instant Pot Ace Multi-Use Cooking and Beverage Blender has just been released exclusively at Walmart.

For some home cooks, the idea that a blender can heat sauces and soups as it whirs isn't altogether new — luxury blenders like Vitamix have offered that feature for some time now. What makes this launch such a big deal, however, is that at $99, the Instant Pot blender costs hundreds less than the competition.

Using the same microprocessor technology featured in the beloved Instant Pot pressure cookers, the blender offers four "hot blending" programs — depending on if you want to puree or blend soups — and three different speeds.

The blender comes with plenty of helpful accessories, including a measuring cup, a gizmo to help push chunky objects toward the blades, a cleaning brush, and a machine-washable cheesecloth bag.

A powerful and quiet motor allows you to crush, blend, and pulverize the toughest ingredients in seconds.

Concerned the blender's 60-ounce glass pitcher will crack from the cold-to-hot fluctuations? Not to worry — it contains a concealed heating element that allows it to withstand extreme temperature changes.

The blender also comes with four cold blending programs, ideal for smoothies, ice cream, and other frozen treats.

So, go ahead: toss your immersion blenders, ice cream makers, and juicers. You can now whip up recipes in one appliance that would have previously forced you to use two or more. And this one-"pot" cooking means way less cleanup. Buy yours now and be one of the first to own the other most useful piece of cooking equipment on the market.