11 Reasons Being Raised by Immigrant Parents Is the Best

When your parents are immigrants, your upbringing is slightly different compared to your American counterparts. You most likely transition in and out of two languages at home. You may celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, but you also celebrate holidays native to your own culture. Balancing two different cultures under one roof isn't always easy, but there are plenty of lessons we can take away from the experience. It makes your journey of growing up in America that much more special and unique. Ahead, we've rounded up several reasons having immigrant parents makes you a stronger, better person.

1. You grew up speaking more than one language.

2. You are more culturally aware and have an appreciation for people who are different.

3. You never fell behind in school because getting straight A's (and the occasional B) was crucial to your parents' happiness.

4. You get to teach your parents American slang. They still won't get it, though.

5. Your parents' strong work ethic rubbed off on you early in life.

6. Your taste buds are so cultured.


7. You can easily connect with other children of immigrant parents.

8. You get to celebrate American holidays and those from your own culture. Double the gifts and delicious food!

9. You don't take money for granted and want the best for yourself career-wise.

10. You have a thick skin, whether that's from standing up to bullies or even your own parents.

11. You feel proud of your parents' accomplishments and, in turn, you work harder to make them proud of you.