"Magically" Delicious, Indeed: Lucky Charms Is Adding a Unicorn Marshmallow!

Lucky Charms is making an upgrade that will allow the cereal to live up to its "magically delicious" tagline even more: a unicorn marshmallow! Introducing a new, permanent marshmallow for the first time in 10 years, Lucky Charms is excited to add this blue-and-purple 'mallow to the mix. The unicorn will replace another marshmallow that's been in the box for over a decade (the hourglass), but I think we can all agree the unicorn is much more fun!

"After 10 years, we decided to introduce a new charm with the help of the keepers of magic themselves — kids. They spoke, and after hearing their love for the magical unicorn, we listened," Josh DeWitt, marketing manager of Lucky Charms, said in a press release. The new unicorn charms are already rolling out to store shelves across the country, and the new boxes will be available more widely at major grocery retailers in March.