Bad News For Toddlers: Millions of Pounds of Hot Dogs Have Been Recalled

If you have a toddler in the house who can't keep his hands off of hot dogs, you better check your freezer. Marathon Enterprises Inc. just recalled 7.1 million pounds of ready-to-eat hot dogs after one person found what's thought to be bone fragments in his frankfurters. Eek.

So how do you tell if your food is affected? The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) released a statement warning parents to be on the lookout for beef and pork hot dog and sausage items that were produced on various dates between March 17 and July 4 of this year. You should also check the packaging to see if the establishment number "EST. 8854" is on it.

Obviously, if one or more of these Sabrett hot dogs have been calling your fridge home for the last few weeks, health officials urge you not to eat them. Opt to either chuck them or return them to where you bought them for a full refund. And if you're not 100 percent sure on whether or not they're safe to chow down on, don't hesitate to call 1-800-SABRETT with questions.