Anyone Can Relate to This Mom's Spot-On Rant About the "Christmas Spiral Epidemic"

In the days surrounding the holidays, do you find yourself drowning in wrapping paper, greeting cards, and unchecked items on your to-do list? As you may have already guessed, you are not alone. On Facebook, Adrian H. Wood of Tales of an Educated Debutante opened up about "drowning in the Christmas spiral epidemic," in addition to sharing a hilarious selfie of her distressed face.

Addressing those who seem to be keeping it together this holiday season, Adrian wrote, "While you mo fos are pretending to be naughty elves, I'm pondering writing your names on voodoo dolls." Adding, "Everyone looks so fresh and nice and I'm trapped in the car at Hardee's because I have on no bra, hand me down maternity pajamas, and am barefooted."

It's times like these that can make anyone wonder how their own parents managed. "How did my mother do it? I don't remember her being frazzled, though she did lock us out of the house for long periods of time," Adrian wrote.

She then went on to list the several issues she's come across, namely hiding gifts from her "CIA training program" children and having to plan a week's worth of activities during the holiday break. Read her entire hysterical and highly self-deprecating post above.