This Video of a Mom Holding Her Preemie Son For the First Time Will Make You Melt

The Best Feeling In The World

"4 days after birth, I held my baby for the first time, it was the best feeling in the world to finally be able to hold him in my arms. He was born only 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant. They have no idea why I had him early, I'm a fairly healthy person, never missed taking my prenatal vitamins, completely cut out caffeine and exercised kind of regularly. He was only 860g at birth. For the first 4 days I wasn't able to hold him, I was barley able to touch him. I just wanted a normal pregnancy, a normal birth, I wanted to be able to hold my baby right away, feed him and snuggle him. Grayson is now almost 6 months and doing absolutely amazing after his 84 day NICU stay. He's happy, healthy and now I get to snuggle him whenever I want. It's scary to think 1 in 10 babies is born premature. I just want other parents who are going through this to know it's hard, it's scary but you're stronger than you think you are, your baby is a fighter and you're not alone. I hope that someday soon you get to bring your baby home, too."


A Love What Matters Original Video

Posted by Love What Matters on Monday, November 13, 2017

After giving birth at just 26 weeks and three days to her baby, one mom knew that her son Grayson had a long road of recovery to face. Because one of the biggest challenges of giving birth to a child prematurely is the long hours they have to spend in the NICU without their parents by their sides, this mom didn't get to hold her baby until he was 4 whole days old — but thankfully the magical mother-son moment was caught on tape for all of us to cry over.

The mom shared exactly how much of a struggle it was to be apart from her son for the first days of his life in a post to Facebook. "For the first four days I wasn't able to hold him, I was barley able to touch him. I just wanted a normal pregnancy, a normal birth, I wanted to be able to hold my baby right away, feed him and snuggle him," she told Love What Matters.

Thankfully, little Grayson seems to be out of the woods — and we can't help but cheer for this strong little fighter.

"Grayson is now almost 6 months and doing absolutely amazing after his 84-day NICU stay," she said. "He's happy, healthy and now I get to snuggle him whenever I want. It's scary to think 1 in 10 babies is born premature. I just want other parents who are going through this to know it's hard, it's scary but you're stronger than you think you are, your baby is a fighter and you're not alone. I hope that someday soon you get to bring your baby home, too."