This Mom's Message Is Just as Powerful as Her Postpartum Body

In the nine months since Mel Watts, of the Modern Mumma, gave birth to her baby girl, this mom has been completely overwhelmed. But instead of hiding the overwhelming anxiety or ignoring the sleepless nights, the Australian mama is opening up about her real experience because she wants others to come to terms with what she's learned the hard way: life doesn't stop just because you give birth.

In an honest reflection of her postpartum life, Mel proudly shared a raw photo of herself in just a black bra, complete with her little girl on her hip. "The bills still need to be paid, groceries still need to be purchased, and the pressure you put on yourself is overwhelming," she wrote in an equally intimate caption. "We expect ourselves to know what we're doing all the time."

But Mel has realized that it doesn't matter how many kids you have — you're still learning as a mom every day. It isn't fair for women to feel the need to put so much pressure on themselves that their only option is to convince themselves that they're invincible — and yet many moms unfortunately still do. "We're humans and we're mothers," Mel continued. "It's okay to feel like you have no idea what day it is … I didn't have the motivation to even get dressed for the first 9 months let alone get my pre baby body back."

No matter what your experience is, Mel wants moms to remember that despite how it seems, life challenges every parent — even the ones who look like they have it all together — each and every day.