Mom's Message to Parents on Their Bad Days: "Pat Yourself on the Back"

Cassie Hilt is a busy mama of two who isn't pretending that every day with her kids is perfect — in fact, she admits that a lot of days are overwhelming to the point of exhaustion. Days when there are a million chores to be done and her kids are arguing, whining, and seeking her attention. However, Hilt wants to remind other parents that even on their worst days, their children love them unconditionally and that surviving another day of parenting should always be celebrated.

"There are days where I cannot wait to get the kids ready and into bed. Sleeping. So that I can rest. And breathe. There are days when I feel like I am just not enough for them. That they deserve more of my attention, more of my love, more of my time," Hilt wrote in Facebook in a post featuring a sweet black-and-white photo of her kids sleeping. "And then these moments happen. These moments where they look so adorable and perfect that make me think, I must have done something right. Something great, to be blessed with these amazing little humans. They love me on my worst days, and on my best."

Hilt ends her post with a message to all of her fellow overwhelmed moms: "So to all the moms having a hard day, just remember . . . we are tougher on ourselves than they are on us. Peek in on your sleeping babes tonight, give them a kiss, and give yourself a pat on the back. You survived another day, and you are blessed with an amazing gift — your child's love."