1 Mom Accidentally Packed a Pair of Her "Bottom of the Drawer" Panties in Her Kid's Backpack, and OMG

Recently, a writer at the Facebook page Momstrosity had arguably the world's worst slip-up. She didn't exactly fall on ice while dropping her kid off at school or include peanut butter in her son's lunch. Nope, worse: she packed a pair of her not-so-new underwear — we all have 'em — in her child's backpack on accident. And, full disclosure: I'm laughing my ass off at my desk right now.

"The good news: I remembered to send in an extra change of school clothes for the babies," she wrote. "The bad news: I unknowingly also sent in a pair of my panties that were stuck to my daughter's pants."

According to the mortified mama, this wasn't just any pair of underwear.

"These were 'bottom of the drawer' panties," she explained. "You know the ones, the undies that *may* be so ragged and old that they need to be tossed, but you still find yourself reaching for them when there are no clean clothes in the house. The undies that you never pack for vacation, but are comfy for a night at home. Yeah, those. Laid neatly inside her backpack for me to find, right on top."

Thankfully, she was able to see a silver lining in the rather unfortunate situation. "Static cling kept me humble today, y'all," she joked. "Just when I have the teachers convinced I am the biggest mess of all the parents, I go and one up myself."