1 Woman Explained Why She Doesn't Feel "Guilty" Putting Her Kids in Daycare, and We're on Board

Jennifer Rangel-Ures, a mom and regional sourcing adviser from California, knows that her income is important to her family. And while she often misses her children while she's at the office, she certainly doesn't feel guilty about putting them in daycare. In a now-viral post on LinkedIn, Jennifer explained exactly why working parents shouldn't be shamed for their childcare choices, and we completely get where she's coming from.

"So here's the thing. Last week I was telling my 'working mom' story to someone and they asked me, 'don't you ever feel guilty that you take them to daycare?' In the moment I think I replied something like . . . maybe sometimes . . . I guess??" she wrote. "Through the week I've been thinking more and more about this question. I wish she'd ask me again now that I've processed the question again."

The short of it? N-O. "The answer is NO. No, I don't feel guilty that I am blessed to work and provide for my family," she explained. "No, I don't feel guilty that my little babies get to see my soul on fire everyday doing what I love. No, I don't feel guilty that I get to live out my calling and attract people to an employer that inspires, promotes whole-person care, and believes in me. No, I don't feel guilty when I travel to our facilities . . . So here's to the working mother. I'm with you."