You Have to Hear This Mom's Amazing Parenting "Hallelujah" Parody

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Not only is her voice amazing, but her lyrics are spot on. Shannon Abbott soulfully reworked Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" to describe the life of a mother, and it's so good you won't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Sit right there and I'll tell you a tale about a mother's day and the mommy fails. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it," sings Abbott. "It starts with diapers, spit up, no sleep. He pulls my hair, I scrape my knee. When naptime comes I'll sing, 'Oh, hallelujah!'"

Abbott originally performed her incredible song at a talent show in Payson, UT. It's now resonating with millions of mamas after she uploaded a version of herself singing with her adorable son Adam on YouTube. Here, some of our favorite lines:

"Yet daddy's asleep without a care. How does he do that? It isn't fair!"

"Then there is my threenager. It's like she's 3 plus a teenager! She thinks she knows it all and I know nothing. With backwards shoes and princess dresses, 'I'll do it myself!' and lots of messes — when bedtime comes, I'll sing, 'Oh, hallelujah!'"