A Dad's Innocent Inquiry About Paw Patrol's Plot Has Spawned a Ton of Conspiracy Theories

With a screen-time enjoying toddler, I've spent a lot of mornings watching kids shows. It doesn't matter what the program is, whether it's Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, or the beloved Paw Patrol — each and every one of them is superconfusing. One dad, Martin Belam, had clearly spent a lot of time watching Paw Patrol when he tweeted out a serious question about the show that has parents around the world laughing in agreement.

"Who is the never-seen-figure who is funding Paw Patrol, and why are they investing billions in ridiculous equipment for small dogs to operate, instead of funding proper emergency services in Adventure Bay?" his tweet reads.

Who is the never-seen-figure who is funding Paw Patrol, and why are they investing billions in ridiculous equipment for small dogs to operate, instead of funding proper emergency services in Adventure Bay?

— Martin Belam (@MartinBelam) January 27, 2018

The simple tweet has spawned a series of additional questions and conspiracy theories surrounding the show. Although kids shows definitely don't need to make perfect sense (where would the fun be in that?), Belam's tweet has certainly hit a nerve for parents who are equally confused.

Here are some of our favorite comments people made about the show.