9 Photography Hacks For Parents

Are you a mom who spends a lot of time behind the camera? Or maybe you want your family photos to look a little more professional? The good news is you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on equipment to make that happen. With a few simple tricks and a little plastic wrap (we'll get to that later), you can take your basic — and occasionally blurry — photos to the next level.

Look Up
Flickr user zilverbat.

Look Up

Sick of seeing red (eye)? If your subjects tilt their heads ever so slightly, they won't catch the flash, and their eyes will be crystal clear.

Stay Still
Flickr user tamaki

Stay Still

A shaky hand can take a picture from bright to blurry. Steady your smartphone with binder clips, and keep your camera stable with a DIY string tripod.

Avoid the Sun
Flickr user photosavvy

Avoid the Sun

You may think the sun is your best friend during an outdoor shoot, but one wrong move and you could wind up with unflattering photos. Face your subjects away from the sun and, if possible, place them in shadier areas.

Grab Their Attention
Flickr user 360around

Grab Their Attention

Can't get your kids to face the camera? Try placing their favorite toy on top of your head or the camera.

Get Up Close and Personal
Flickr user _nezemnaya_

Get Up Close and Personal

Unless the background is the focus of your photo, try snapping a close-up. You'll be able to capture some amazing details that you wouldn't see otherwise.

Get on the Grid
Leah Rocketto

Get on the Grid

A great tip for fans of the camera phone: turn on the grid option and line up your subject one-third to the right, left, top, or bottom. It changes the focus and makes for a more interesting shot.

Create a Filter
Flickr user allan_saw

Create a Filter

Forget Instagram! You can make your own filter by covering the lens with plastic wrap, smearing on Vaseline, and cutting a hole in the middle.

Let Kids Be Kids
Flickr user nuddaladden

Let Kids Be Kids

As much as you want the toothy grin and picture-perfect pose, the best photos are the ones where kids are relaxed and having a good time.