The Reason This Pregnant Woman Posed With a Nemo Figurine Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat

Another day, another Disney-themed maternity shoot, right? Not quite. The reason Taylor Borre posed with a miniature Finding Nemo figurine isn't what most people would expect.

"They will see this and think, 'Oh, a cute pregnancy picture with their favorite Disney character,'" Taylor wrote in a moving Facebook post. "But to my family, this means so much more than just a picture."

In early July, Taylor went in for an anatomy scan — "it was so great to see her, we saw her little face, her feet, all of her organs were perfect!" — but when she met with the doctor afterward, he advised her to see a fetal specialist. Something wasn't right. "My heart dropped, I was so scared," she recalled. "I asked what was wrong. He didn't go into detail well — all he said was her upper-half wasn't measuring correctly."

She had to wait two excrutiatingly long weeks for her follow-up appointment. "I was so worried for those weeks," she said. "If i didn't feel her all day, I would have anxiety attacks. I had many breakdowns over not knowing what was wrong."

At the appointment, they conducted a more thorough scan and diagnosed Taylor's baby girl with amniotic band syndrome, a condition in which the fetus becomes entangled in fibrous string-like amniotic bands in the womb, restricting blood flow and affecting the baby's development. Taylor wrote:

On that day we found out our sweet girl has no left hand. It was so hard to hear that just thinking about how mean people can be towards people who are "different" and of course not wanting anything to be wrong with your child. But I was also at peace with the news because in everything else she measured perfectly, and she's nice and strong! This is not a disability or a bad thing . . . She is our Nemo.

Taylor then explained the premise of the Pixar movie: because of damage to his egg, one of Nemo's fins is smaller than the other, and it affects his ability to swim. Taylor concluded: "She has a fin that's a little smaller than the other, but she will conquer anything her little heart desires to do!"