Thandie Newton Thought Breastfeeding During Her Westworld Audition Would Cost Her the Job

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Thandie Newton may not necessarily be a household name, but after her recent interview with Harry Connick Jr. on his talk show, Harry, the Westworld star is sure to be a topic of conversation. The mother of three opened up to Harry about a particularly interesting aspect of her audition with the Westworld husband-and-wife showrunners.

"I actually just had my son, Booker — he was maybe 4 months old — and the showrunners Jonah Nolan and his wife, Lisa Joy . . . I was talking to [them] on Skype," Thandie told Harry. "And we started our conversation talking about Westworld, the show, and it was going on quite a long time, and I could hear my baby out the door, and he wanted to be nursed. You know how it is, ladies, when your kid needs you, everything is firing up. And I said to Jonah, 'Jonah, I'm so, so sorry, I'm going to have to bring my baby here.' And I thought: this is going to lose me the job. It's gonna lose me the job!"

Thandie continued, telling Harry that she thought Jonah would see her as "an inconvenience" — "a lactating woman" who would need special treatment on set and a ton of baby gear lying around. But like any mom, she knew she still had to put her baby first, so she decided to call her husband in with Booker during the call and risk any potential shaming that may have occurred.

"My husband brought in the baby and I ended up breastfeeding my kid while talking to Jonah . . . and then, do you know what happened? Lisa came onto the screen breastfeeding her little baby."

Seems like a casting match made in heaven! Check out the rest of Harry's interview with Thandie on Jan. 9's episode of Harry (find out where you can watch on!).