The Heartbreaking Reason This Photo of a Camera's Instruction Manual Should Go Viral

Five-year-old Faith Pfeifer, who was born with spina bifida, wasn't sleeping well in the weeks leading up to the end of January. Her dad, Mic, was checking on her every night just in case, and then, on Jan. 21, he discovered she had passed in her sleep. Heartbroken and devastated, her mother, Ashley, called her best friend, who then offered to take photos of the family with Faith — photos Ashley was so grateful to have. Until they were stolen.

Last week Ashley entered her home and knew something was wrong — theives had come in and taken a lot of their electronics, including the Canon Rebel T3i camera that contained the memory stick with the photos of Faith and the family on it. She took to Facebook with the news in the hope that someone buying the camera off of Craigslist or at a pawn shop would see the photos of Faith on the memory card and be able to return it to her.

"My camera had pictures of our last moments with Faith," Ashley wrote. "Keep the camera — I just want my pictures back that are NOT replaceable."

Read her full post above.