Your Hair, Teeth, Memory, and 7 Other Things That "Won't Survive" Motherhood

Jordan Harrell
Jordan Harrell

Chances are, at some point (or all the time) during your motherhood journey, you've felt like you're losing your damn mind. All the things to remember at any given point, all the things your kids need from you, all the stuff that needs doing around the house — it all adds up to an insurmountable number of things. Jordan Harrell knows this fact all too well, but rather than dwell solely on her mental load, Harrell, a mom and blogger, shared with her Facebook followers a list of 10 things she's certain "won't survive" motherhood at all.

In addition to her sanity and other things like her car, complexion (if she even washes her face, it's with a wipe), clothes, and husband (she says she's kidding here, "but he does look pretty exhausted"), the items on her list are nothing short of relatable:

MY TEETH. My first thoughts when I wake up? Feed the children before they kill each other, feed the baby, get everyone dressed, hurry, hurry, hurry, GET IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW FOR THE LOVE. My first thought is not: Brush your teeth. My first thought at bedtime? There are no thoughts. I am asleep.

MY HAIR. Post-natal hair loss is not a joke. It's like the babies sucked all the hair off my scalp every time they nursed. Secondly, WHO has time to get a haircut? And let's not even talk about the gray hairs that just magically appeared after my first child at the age of 26. . .

MY PRIDE. My post-child motto? I don't even care. My child is lying on the floor of the Wal-Mart throwing a colossal tantrum? I don't even care. Had a Janet Jackson-esque wardobe malfunction while nursing in public? I don't even care. An elderly lady from church drops by the house and it's in total shambles? I don't even care. My kids want to wear their pajamas to the park? I don't even care. Accidentally pregnant for the THIRD. FREAKING. TIME? I cared for a a second but then I didn't even care. . .

MY MEMORY. When my son was a few months old, someone asked me his birthday. No idea. I was almost positive it was May 19 or May 21 but couldn't be sure. I went home and literally had to check the hospital pictures on Facebook. (It's May 19.)

Following her hilarious laundry list of qualities, body parts, and belongings of hers taking the true brunt of this chaotic thing called motherhood, the mom took a minute to get a bit sentimental about this crazy life she's living. Her 10th and final item that she doesn't think will survive? Her heart.

"Does a love like this exist anywhere other than motherhood?" Harrell wrote. "How do they make it all worth it? They have completely stolen my heart, and I can't remember life before them. But maybe that's because #7 [my memory]. Either way, I'm forever thankful. Who needs hair anyway?"