"Why Doesn't She Have Eyebrows?" and 28 Other Toddler Questions About Newborns

I remember a lot of great moments from my time as a nanny, but some of the funniest moments that stick with me happened after I became a nanny to two. Little man — who is a very inquisitive and curious boy — and I went from being a duo to a trio, and throughout that transition, he had a lot of questions about his new baby sister. All of those inquiries were either hilarious, extremely sweet, or very valid questions that I would still love the answers to myself.

Because they're too good not to relive, read through 29 real questions I remember him asking during that specific time in our lives.

  1. Why doesn't she have eyebrows?
  2. Can she have some of my juice?
  3. What does she do?
  4. Does she like Mickey Mouse?
  5. Can she play with my Legos?
  6. Why doesn't she talk?
  7. Where are her teeth?
  8. Does she know me?
  9. When is she going to wake up?
  10. Can I ride in her swing?
  11. Why does she always cry?
  12. Will she be big like me?
  13. Can she use my markers?
  14. Does she like macaroni and cheese?
  15. Why do her diapers smell stinky?
  16. Can she buy me a birthday present?
  17. Where is her hair?
  18. How old is she?
  19. Who is her mommy?
  20. Is Mommy still my mommy?
  21. What about Daddy?
  22. When is she going to be a big sister?
  23. Why is she the little sister?
  24. Why does her belly button have that weird thing in it?
  25. What do you mean it's going to fall off?
  26. Does she see my face? (Proceeds to make funny faces inches from the baby's face.)
  27. When is she going to get bigger?
  28. How come she's so tiny?
  29. Does she love me?