A Toddler Was Found Dangling From a Balcony by His Head Because He Was Left Home Alone

After falling through the gap between the safety bars and dangling from a third-floor balcony by his head, a baby in China is lucky to be alive.

The shocking incident took place in Majiang County, Guizhou Province, when the young child slipped through the window bars while his mother wasn't home and got stuck by his neck. The upsetting incident was captured on camera and shows the little boy hanging from an apartment's terrace with his head trapped between the bars and the rest of his body dangling above the street.

As a witness from the road filmed the 90-second clip, one man on the terrace below tried to hold the child up to ease the pressure on his jammed neck. Two other strangers can be seen climbing from the street on a steel bar to help save the small child.

While these men worked together to release the toddler from the bars, others held a quilt open underneath to catch the little one in case he fell. After 10 minutes of struggling, the men reportedly managed to push the crying child back onto his balcony.

The child's mother said that she thought her baby was asleep and wouldn't wake up when she left to meet her mother, according to Eastday.com.