How 1 Sneaky Kitten Ruined a Girl's Christmas Surprise Will Leave You in Hysterics

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If this moment when a 3-year-old girl was trying to open up her holiday surprise wasn't so funny, it would definitely be a Christmas fail.

Heather Brooker and her husband had planned on giving their daughter a cat, and when Christmas morning arrived, they waited until the child had already opened up her other gifts before bringing out one last box. However, the kitten had another idea in mind — as well as epic comedic timing — and managed to slip out of the box without the child noticing. Instead of being overcome with happy tears when she opened the box to discover her new pet, this little girl was left completely confused with an empty box and a priceless reaction.

Heather described on her website how she and her husband spent months brainstorming how they would pull off the surprise before deciding on letting their daughter "open" the cat as a final gift from Santa Claus. "It would be perfect!" she wrote. "But sometimes when you plan things, they don't end up the way you thought they would. They turn out even better."