This Mom Was Just Trying to Enjoy a Glass of Wine . . . Until Her Toddler Came Along

Giselle Green, a mom from the United Kingdom, knows firsthand that toddlers' reputation of ruining everything has been truly earned. In a tweet making its round on the internet, Giselle shared a video of herself enjoying a glass of red wine — until her son Sam came in like a wrecking ball.

The clever mama captioned the clip: "Some days I question my parental skills . . . other days . . ." Although sacrificing a glass of wine is always a tragedy, we have to admit Sam moves fast.

Before you go worrying about whether or not Sam's OK, Giselle ensured her followers that her son was doing just fine after the accident in a follow-up tweet, writing, "Don't worry. No Sammy was hurt in the making of this video." But her carpets? Probably another story!